A Holistic Button to Replace the Ubiquitous Like Button

Was it Facebook which popularized the Like button as the ubiquitous index for popularity of an Internet posting? At first, there was no option to turn it to Love or an emoji including Anger, etc. So the most sensible interpretation of the number of Likes received by a posting is a measure of how many people have seen the posting and bothered enough to click the Like button. The most logical interpretation because the button is portrayed as a “Like” is that it is a popularity index.

It occurs to me that a wise AI can be developed in the near future if our chart of Antagonism vs Compassion is used as a guidance for AI algorithms to reply to a query with three answers, one is compassionate, one is indifferent, and one is antagonistic.

AI raw data inputs to the AI Learning algorithm are unknown to the users. Some form of labeling (meta data) needs to be associated with each piece of raw data for the AI algorithm. If the labels include the Score for the Compassion to Anger scale, preferably from the general public, who have read the piece of the source article, then it is possible to display a composite Score which may be a weighted average score of the components making up each piece of writing output by the AI algorithm.

It is an expansion of the ubiquitous Like button in social media. Change it to a score of -8 to +8 judged by each reader of the posting.

One more idea. Suppose when a person touches the Like button, the smart phone can measure the temperature, blood pressure and heart rate of the person and use an algorithm to estimate the attitude of the person from Anger to Compassion!